Looking Forward To Some Easy Cash for Unwanted Car? Be Aware of these Mistakes

People at times sell off their unwanted car rather hastily, perhaps out of the exuberance of vacating the space to make room for the new one that they are looking forward to buying, or because of the hurry out of the thought that the old junk will do more harm than good if retained for long.
Yes, both the reasons are justified, but still, they are not reasons enough to get rid of the car that was once a part of your daily life, so unceremoniously and hastily. You need to be cautious about a few mistakes.

Not Signing the release of liability 
Rules and regulations regarding motor vehicles may change from one state to another in Australia, but one thing is always common and that is you need to put down your signature in the document that contains the clauses related to the release of liability. Hence, do not forget to sign the release. It's a serious mistake.

Not seeing if the buyer is honouring their original quote

When you call a company that deals with old and wrecked cars, they will provide an obligatory quote. However, when it comes to giving the cash for the unwanted car in Perth the company must live up to its commitment. See if the company that you have hired is doing the same or is making a volte-face after seeing the condition of your car. Ignoring this may cost you a handsome amount.

Signing the title before you get the cash in hand 

Do not make the mistake of accepting a towing company that says it will pay you later and concentrate at first on towing your vehicle away. No reputed company will do so. Hence, make sure it hands over the cash first and then make arrangements of towing the car away.

Paying for the towing service 

This is a mistake, to say least. Towing is always free. Hence, do not pay for towing or allow any amount to be deducted from the car value for towing. Keep away from companies that will demand towing charges.

Donating the car

Many companies would ask you to donate the car instead of buying them from you to save money, citing the years of manufacture and model under the ground that it does not have any market value anymore. This is wrong. Do not donate, no matter how old it might be. Remember, cash for cars in Perth or in any other places depend upon

And last but not the least, forgetting to take one last look to see if there is any personal belonging in a mistake. Do not let any personal belongings that might be attached to old memories go away with the old car. Remember, it’s going forever – making way for a new one! 


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